We have space available
$10 a day or preregister and get all 3 days for $20. Unlimited outside space.
$14 a day or preregister and get all 3 days for $25. Under a tent ~ 10 spaces available.
$14 a day or preregister and get all 3 days for $25. Inside ~ 6 spaces available.
Concession and indoor plumbing available for all!!
First one is May 26th, 27th, and 28th. 10:00am - 4:00pm.
We will be hosting this event on the last weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
of the month from May to September.
Sell your Crafts. Collectibles or What-have-you from tables or your vehicle.
Call 778-415-5105 or stop in 3955 Hart Hwy,
ask for Brenda or Pat,
or Ron @ 250-640-9945.